Hot stone sports massage combination fantastic way to reduce tension in the body. It’s fantastic for neck or back pain. Helps to increase circulation and soothe achy pains.
Moxa therapy for chronic knee pain, Moxa therapy is fantastic for chronic conditions such as arthritis, As the moxa is burned it brings heat to the area which in turn will increase circulation and speed up the healing process.
Busy day at the office on Sunday with the Waterford FC under 19 team, looking forward to yet another season with the blues
Combination of electrical dry needling and cupping to reduce stress and lower back pain
Electrical dry needling for IT band syndrome (runners knee)
Specific Dry Needing of the knee joint,quite a lot of people these days suffer joint pain specifically the knee joint weather it be road running or playing ball on Astro turf or just wear and tear, I find this treatment very beneficial, how it works I use an infra-red lamp over the area for 5-8 minutes this will increase circulation then I use four acupuncture needles specifically placed in the knee joint upon insertion the body will release endorphins (body’s natural painkillers) to the area and relief is felt
Trigger point dry needling to the hamstring muscle group.